Oh, it cannot be true! It cannot be be true! Is it really a boy?

These words the exhausted mother breathed as she was told of her delivery. Finally, after ten years of marriage, four girls, seven pregnancies, endless prayers and constant worries, His Imperial Highness Alexei Nicolaievich, Sovereign Heir and Tsesarevich, Grand Duke of Russia was born. It was a hot, but happy day in Peterhof when Alexandra fulfilled her one true duty to her husband and country. The Imperial Line was safeguarded for a further generation.

It was custom to name the eldest son after his Grandfather, but Alexanders and Nicholases had ruled Russia for over a century. This was a chain that Nicholas wished to break. He chose the name of the second Romanov Tsar, most known for his placidity. The name did meet some opposition, for it was Tsar Peter the Great who murdered his son and heir, Alexei Petrovich. Nicky was warned that the name was a bad omen, but Tsar Alexei the Mild was a great role model for him, and his son kept his name.

From the start Alexei was a high-spirited, joyful baby. His father never missed an opportunity to show him off. Beaming as he held up his son, Nicky would ask, "Don't you think he's a beauty?" The members of the court replied all too happily that he was indeed a beautiful, wonderful boy.

Alix was always highly protective of him. She rarely left her son's side even when the wet nurse was feeding him. She had a hard time being parted from her Sunbeam even if only for a few moments, so she bathed and dressed the baby herself.

In August, when Alexei was reaching his first month, there was a great gathering in Peterhof for his Christening. His godparents were the German Kaiser, the English King, the Grand Duke of Hesse, and of course, the Russian Dowager Empress. Alexei was paraded to the baptismal front by the Mistress of the Robes, Princess Golitsyn. According to Orthodox custom the parents were not present for the service, and could hardly wait for it to be over so they could once again be assured that their son was all right.

How beautiful he was, how healthy, how normal, with his golden hair, his shining blue eyes, and his expression of intelligence so rare for so young a child.
~Anya Vyrubova's Memoirs~

Alexei, or Alyosha, first met Pierre Gilliard when he was only 18 months old, from the arms of his mother. It took some convincing for Alexei to reach out his tiny hand to Gilliard.

I could see she was tranfused by the delerious joy of a mother who had at last seen her dearest wish fulfilled. She was proud and happy in the beauty of her child. The Tsarevich certainly was one of the handomest babies one could imagine, with lovely fair curls, great grey-blue eyes under the fringe of long, curling lashes and the fresh pink colour of a healthy child. When he smiled, there were two little dimples in his chubby cheeks.
~Gilliard's Memoirs~

When they were allowed the four Grand Duchesses crept into their baby brother's room. The littlest would rise on their toes and the girls would all peer over the edge of his brass crib to stare down at his rosy cheeks and thick blond curls. Alyosha soon recognised the four beautiful adolescents and responded with a delighted smile at the attention they showered on him.

Alexei was the center of this united family, the focus of all its hopes and affections.... His sisters worshipped him. He was his parents' pride and joy.
~Gilliard's Memoirs~

Since his birth the Heir was the object of Russia's affection. In the spring of 1905 Alix started taking her son out on carriage rides. Her faith and trust in the Russian People was restored as her subjects bowed to their tiny Heir. Once Alexei, still a tiny baby, accompanied his father on a review of the Preobrajensky Regiment. The regiment cheered out "Hurrah!" and the delighted Heir laughed.

Alexei was a naturally rambunctious child. He was most interested in sailors, soldiers, and trains. He loved his naval uniform so he could romp around in comfort. His playmates were appointed by his mother; usually they were the sons of doctors, sailors, or servants. Alexei's well being was placed under the care of his nurses when he was a baby, but as he branched out in his activities he was watched by two sailors from his father's yacht.

However mostly he was alone or with his sisters. He was quite good with the girls, obediant, like his rank meant nothing to him when with family. This did not stop him from showing off his rank where others could take notice, though. He always knew he was the one who sat beside the Tsar at State Functions. Alexei full well knew he was the important one, and milked it for all it was worth. He would halt his lessons to order a snack. One of his favourite games was running in on his sisters' lessons. The girls delighted at the distraction, but the Nursery Staff and the tutors were not so amused. Alexei would be carried, kicking and wailing, from the room.

My mother when leaving the palace after her first presentation to the Empress, met at the entrance the little Alexei who was then a tot of four years. She bowed to him according to all the rules, and said: "How do you do, Your Imperial Highness?" But to my mother's dismay the Imperial Highness, instead of acknowledging her greeting, frowned angrily and turned away his head. When my mother returned home and told of this incident to my father, he began to laugh and said: "Of course the Heir was angry with you. You should have bowed to him in silence, for you have no right to say anything before he himself has started to talk to you.
~Gleb Botkin's Memoirs~

One of the things that is most charming about Alexei and his sisters is that for Imperial Children they were so closely bonded, especially the two littlest. Alyosha delighted in Anastasia's company. She was like a breath of fresh air, always teaching him new pranks that were running through her wild brain. Nothing brought Alexei more pride than to be treated just like any ordinary brother.

His father was the only one Alexei would listen to. Once when Alexei was seven he managed to get on a bike during one of the Tsar's reviews of the Palace Guard. He rode right across the parade ground on which the review was being held. Astonished, Nicky suddenly brought the review to a standstill, and ordered that everyone go after Alexei to get him off the bike!

Lessons on manners and behaviour were taught since Alexei was even too young to fully understand what he was being told. He started attending State Dinners when he was still young. One time, he disappeared under the table and returned with the shoe of a Maid-of Honour. Proudly, he presented his trophy to his father. Nicky sternly told him to put it back where it belonged. Alexei once again disappeared under the table. He had grabbed a rather large strawberry, shoved it into the toe of the woman's shoe, and replaced the shoe back on it's owner's foot. Alexei sat innocently in his chair as the woman screamed...

...and for that little stunt he wasn't allowed back at the dinner table for a few weeks.